Sunday, August 7, 2011

Failed saturday.

Yeah... so... Yesterday was kind of a failure. It started out alright. I had plenty of time to shower up, fix my hair, pick an outfit and all that. So I looked like a king. No, a God. Got over to my friends house at around 8 P.M. And the usual drinking occurred. After a while, around a glass of whiskey into the evening, we decided to try out a new drinking game. Bad idea.

Have you guys ever heard of a show called 24? Well it's basically about a guy named Jack Bauer and how awesome he is. I'm not kidding, a season usually consist of 24 episodes of him being the manliest man alive, and they've made 8 seasons and a movie about this. Anywho, we came up with a drinking game where as every time someone mentions his name, someone fires a weapon or every time he disobeys a direct order, we have to drink. This turned out to be a big mistake. I had gone through roughly ten units of alcohol and my friend had downed around 4-5 50 cl (17 ounces) beers during a single episode. We should probably had slowed down when my mate complained about how everything was spinning. We didn't.

The overconsumption of alcohol finally led to my mate passing out like a clubbed seal. I tried for a good twenty minutes to get some life back into him, but it was futile. It was around this time I realized that I was stuck alone in a suburb in the middle of the night with no backup plan. I panicked.

After lying on the floor, in a fetal position, and hyperventilating for a good 20 minutes I decided to get my shit together and find someone with a car and sober enough to drive that could take me down town. Made some calls, sent some text, but my efforts didn't pay off. And then my cellphone died. Desperate and out of options, I turned my attention to Facebook, praying to God that someone was online. Finally managed to find a living person with a car, but the clubs were about 20 minutes from closing time, so I decided to just take the ride, grab some food on the way, and haul my drunk ass home.

So, failed Saturday. But I had almost no hangover what so ever the day after. I think even my body felt pity for me.


  1. Man, what a night! If only my body would consider the happenings of the previous night before administering pain.

  2. You failed what you meant to do, but it sounds like a story to tell... which is sometimes better than what you would've ended up doing!

  3. That's ok. We do it better next weekend =)

  4. Interesting saturday.;)

  5. ouch i won't play that drinking game :x

  6. Although assaild with fortune fierce and keen, Following!

  7. This is why whenever I go out drinking, I find a designated driver. It's nice to have a ride planned ahead.

  8. This wasn't a failure as much as it was a learning experience.

  9. I'd call that night a hell of a success! Bauer would be proud :D

  10. wow, sounds like fun. I'm so using this game

  11. way better than my night that is for sure. Still sounded kind of scary.+following for more crazy adventures.

  12. It's always tough to find a drinking game that requires you to drink the perfect amount. It's always either too little or too much.

  13. I know the show and, if you played the game like you say, gosh, you must have drunk much! JB is the director of the universe. :D

  14. dude, that was insane! so, i'm guessing you were drinking 24 out of the 30 minutes. god bless.

  15. Sounds like a good time since you survived lol

  16. I never play drinking games but a friend told me once when he played one half way through the night they added a rule you half to drink if someone else drinks. It did not end good!

  17. Sounds like a hardcore drinking game, may have to try it out.

  18. hahaha, tv show drinking games are always gonna end up with someone passed out

  19. The drinking game of doom D:
    Good to hear you survived it though.

  20. The 24 drinking game? Try not to get alcohol poisoning.

  21. Oh my god, it's a miracle you didn't have a hangover. It's the worst part after a night out with friends and you just want to lay on the bed and wither away into nonexistence.

  22. never heard about that game °° i'm very sorry man, i've had a terrible Saturday too, but surely nothing like this

  23. I avoid drinking games. Let's just say I had an incident...

  24. Jesus christ rofl. sounds like an interesting game.

  25. well, at least you dont have a hangover ^^

  26. Sometimes it just doesn't go right. But is this like a retro post from 5 years ago or something?


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