Sunday, August 28, 2011

Free rave party. Courtesy of nature.

So picture this: You sit up at night. At 4 am. Everything is perfectly normal. But what's that? Something flashing in the sky? At first you think that you're just imagining things and go back to what you were doing. Which in my case was totally not porn. And then it happens again. But way worse. The sky lights up like God was playing with his new strobe light. Then there's the thunder. This continues for 30 minutes. The power went out after 15.

I think this was the first time in my life that I've seen so much lightning in so little time. I mean, I could move around in my apartment, even though it was pitch dark due to the power being out, due to the flashes lighting it up with regular intervals. It was awesome.

And now to the cigarette bending trick. BerserculesMark and DWei had it right. I'm a wizard bitches!

Behold my awesome powers!
So now you know. Other powers include making whiskey strangely disappear and hats to look photoshoped. I don't even need any tiger blood.

Until next time readers. Be well 


  1. Lightening? Love watching that light up the sky.

  2. You have tiger blood, you just don't know it. Also yay I was right, and finally, that sounds pretty kick ass. I think I'd love to see some thunder like that.

  3. Cool powers you have there mister wizard

  4. I knew you knew magic cause I'm psychic!

  5. cool magic trick with the cigarette :D can you do it with a joint? ;D

  6. I like the hat. Wish I could be a wizard, too.

  7. may be you wear smoking and all the imagination worked in ur mind!
    thank you for dropping by my blog...
    a wink for the comment coz its kool...!

  8. Gbg had some crazy lightning too

  9. are you implying that it was just photoshopped? cause if so i feel cheated!

  10. hahahaha that cigar was just bent!


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