I decided to stay up this night to do some assignment for college. I'm not really that pressed for time, since it's not due for another day, and I could've started earlier than 2:30 am. But something that I've realized this evening is that writing about stuff you don't care about is really, really, boring. Like seriously. The thing is that the assignment isn't even that hard. I'm suppose to write 3 pages in News Time Roman, 12 pt, with the a line space of 1.5. That's an estimated 800-1200 words. By reading
this far you've read 102 words. That took me about 5 minutes to write. And yet I don't even have 500 words on that damn paper. A paper I've had staring at me for roughly four hours now. But then again, it might be the fact that during that time I've had two smoke breaks, three coffee breaks, watched three episodes of Wilfred US (Awesome show btw!), taken a shower and shaved.
I might have ADD.
In other news: I don't have many other news! I've spent most of my days chilling, going to school and similar boring stuff like that. So no real adventure to speak of. I do have a question tho. When is it OK to wear a wool coat? I mean, it's getting kinda chilly out, but not
that chilly. I don't think i got any good picture of it... unless...
I don't know why I add these things. |
I guess the picture doesn't help much. This was 277 words.
Edit: Come on guys, i was asking about the coat, not the hat >:$
That's an awesome hat my friend.
ReplyDeletewhen I was trying to write papers in college I used to get a drink a sandwich and make sure all distractions were turned off and force myself to write, even if I didn't care about the subject. its better to spend an hour writing than 5 piddling about then a frenzied 30 minutes of crap when you realize class is in 45 minutes
ReplyDeleteYou're looking pretty good in that hat, you've earned the right to wear it every day. As for the assignment, hell it took me weeks to get round to writing mine, but they weren't that long and they got done.
ReplyDeleteI like that hat. Hats are cool. I wish I could wear them in Malayisa, but it's too hot. And all people wear here are shorts.
ReplyDeleteNice hat(?!) -- reminds me of that funny talking hat in Harry Potter... not sure why, lol
ReplyDeleteCool coat! About the hat, I don't like that kind of stuff. But hey, your call. xD
ReplyDeleteYou would look even better in this hat after a little haircut:D
ReplyDeleteI like this pic! you're cute :)
ReplyDeleteabout your "damn paper" ..?
good luck to that! haha!
oh! btw, about the coat. I don't have any idea. we don't use coat that much in the Philippines :D
ReplyDeleteIt is always time to wear a wool coat!
ReplyDeleteI come from a place that's tropical, so...I wear wool coats all the time and no one is allowed to judge. ;)
ReplyDeleteGood coat; I have one that looks somewhat like it (can't really see it well in the picture) and it's AMAZING.
ReplyDeleteI have ADD bro. its not so bad.... minus the complete lack of motivation and non existant attention span.
ReplyDeleteWow the thought of having to write a 800 to 1200 long paper on something you don't like has me glad I never went to university!
ReplyDeleteAs for the coat I say: I like the hat! Kidding! The coat looks like it'd be good for the weather your having! But if your wondering if it looks good based of fasion, I have no clue.
This post's 69 words long.
my advice is just to write without worrying like you do in your blog post and then go back and put it into coherent shape.
ReplyDeleteDude, I always end up all tired and messed up after an all-nighter... unfortunately uni has made me incurr in these all-nighters like once every 2 weeks :/
ReplyDeleteI love coats! especially if there are furry furs that surrounds my neck to give me extra comfort during cold seasons. Wish wore one when I was in MA. Unfortunately, I don't wear them here in the Philippines. We has a tropical climate.
ReplyDeletebtw, your coat looks great on you