Thursday, August 16, 2012

Best essay ever

Some guy I know was complaining over the fact that he had to write some kind of essay for school. It had to include all kinds of stuff, like some life story bullshit and talking to a waiter and what not. So I said to him, I said: "I'll just write it for you." And I did. Then I felt like sharing it with you guys, so here it is.

My name is Name Mc. Nameson and I'm XX years old. I've lived quite the uneventful life. I'm not to say that it has been boring, or even bad, but it hasnt been so much eventful either. I was born in a town called "my town" and more or less lived there my whole life. We've moved around a couple of times, my family and I, but never had any real changes. 
I remember this one time i went to a restaurant thought. A shabby little asian resturant in the outskirts to town. It didn't look like much but the food was pretty decent. And it was cheap. One day they had a new waiter tho, who was a bit strange. Our conversation went something like this: Waiter: "What you order?" to which I responded: "Fish filet." 
As soon as i said "fish filet" the waiter got this blank stare on his face. He litteraly just stared at me for around 20 seconds. And then i heard it. The music. It didn't seem to come from anywhere and yet it came from everywhere at once. The waiter stepped back a couple of feet and started screaming "WHAT SHE ORDER? FISH FILET!" over and over again. I was starting to freak out at this point. 
After he waiter had repeated the phrase about nine or ten times, the chef came out and wondered what was going on. He tried talking to the waiter who was still screaming. Even though he waiter had started of screaming with full force, it seemed like he was getting louder and louder every time he opened his mouth. I was frozen in my seat just watching in horror. The chef was shaking him now, also screaming, with fear starting to show more and more in his eyes. 
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP! TING XIALAI! LIJI TINGZHI!" he screamed. Everthing after that was in chinese. I decided that it was it was time for me to leave. 
I didn't actually have a tab since I hadn't ordered anything yet but i decided to leave a tenner anywho. I felt sorry for the chef that had to deal with this unatural behavior. I promptly left the resturant after that. Door slamming behind me with that distinctive bell sound those restaurants always use I could faintly hear someone say "Thank you! Please come again!" Perhaps it was my imagination. I never went there again thought.

I hope he gets an A.


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    1. Just read and write a lot and you'll get better and better


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