Saturday, July 16, 2011

A love for dubstep

I usually don't blog about "boring" stuff like music, clothes or about how awesome my perfectly normal day has been. I've never cared much for such blogs so I've always assumed that others didn't as well. This on the other hand has resulted in a blog that gets updated roughly twice a year. And I do believe that an empty blog is just as bad as a boring one. So I'll just share my recently found love for dubstep with you.

First things first. To really enjoy dubstep you need to own a decent sound system. I really wouldn't recommend anything below the price range of $100. If you're using headphones, old "computer speakers" or your in-built laptop sound, just forget it. It'll sound like shit and you'll end up hating it. The reason for this is that dubstep relies on bass. And most cheap sound systems can't handle bass correctly. So it would be like watching Avatar on a black and white TV. It kinda works, you get what the content is about, but most of the things that make it good is lost on you.

Lets say you have a decent sound system then. What now?

Well there isn't much you have to do really. Find a good dubstep song, crank your amplifier up to 11 and have fun. Just don't forget to put the quality to 720/1080 if you're playing the song on youtube.

And if you're unsure where to find good dubstep songs, I'll just leave this here:


  1. Reccomend some good dubstep Cray!

  2. I love pumping up some good dubstep at the gym. :D
    Should check out "I Wish it Could Last" by Sam La More. Great song.

    And your blog description has a spelling mistake ;P

    should be just random "thoughts" about life and the meaning of stuff.

  3. good music, discovered it with your post
    following ;)

  4. I like dubstep pretty much, very awesome for the gym or something.

  5. BEST VIDEO EVER! got this from UKF and was laughing my ass off!

  6. thanks for the awesome music, gonna enjoy this stuff

  7. I don't see the appeal to be honest.

  8. Great blog, return

  9. good post. do you like skrillex?

  10. the vid is soo cool dubstep is awesome!!!

  11. great blog
    i've got you on my daily routine
    keep it up

  12. i thot my background was kinda "dubstep"

  13. I do like some dubstep but I dunno there's so much crap it's hard to find the good stuff. This was pretty decent though.

  14. I'm getting to like dubstep, hopefully this blog will introduce me to some good music

  15. I enjoy the fuck out of my dubstep on my computer speakers I got in 2005 :/

  16. Can i just say that your header is making me trip and i dont know why.

  17. Nice track, good post!

    I haven't got time to read your older content right now, so followed. Be back soon to check it out =D

    Never really liked dubstep, but this track isn't half bad

  18. can't say I'm a big fan of dubstep, but thnx much for the post, maybe I'll get into it someday :D

  19. Great Blog man! Im i nthe same boat as you, Dubstep is great! Following btw

  20. I have to tell my friends all the time that they need a better sound system when they say they don't like dubstep. and then whem i ask if they are using there terrible laptop speakers they just say yep while i facepalm. good post.

  21. I've heard some good dubstep here and there...
    One of my favourites is Lost Woods (Zelda) Dubstep remix.

  22. Dubstep is the most interesting genre of music for me at the moment. Just rocking good, my favorite for every party.


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