And it's watching you sleep.
The thing is that I knew this was gonna happen. I've been drinking like this before. So none of the the "discoveries" was really new to me. Except the eye thing, never noticed that one. I say it was totally worth it though. I did get a few new memories, I got some compliments on my body, we've talked about the good old times and apparently I even got myself a workout somewhere along the way. Looks like I got an half decent post out of it as well.
Either that or I'm still drunk and everything looks good right now.
Or you can not drink and play games :D, ha nice post. Followed.
ReplyDeleteJust drink two beers a day or so. you'll be fine.
ReplyDeletedrunk posts = best posts
ReplyDeletehangovers where you cant move a muscle are the worst....
ReplyDelete+1 :D
Good luck with that hangover, must be brutal.
ReplyDeleteWeed might help. :P
ReplyDeleteDrunk posts can be great posts, but usually aren't. :/
ReplyDeleteBwahaha, seems like your weekend was a tad rougher than mine! Love waking up going "I'll never drink again" and one day later you're thirsty again. One of many jokes life keeps pulling at us!
ReplyDelete"A train filled with agony and pain" I have never heard a hangover more well described to be honest. Sorry alcohol wasn't the answer you were looking for haha
ReplyDeleteman i am like this all summer long :P
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that I don't get bad hangovers, at least not without drinking a hell of a lot of alcohol.
ReplyDeleteYou hould have drank some water; the hangover would be weaker.
ReplyDeleteDrinking more than 1 but less than 5 units a day is actually benefitial for yah!
ReplyDeleteGuys, i drank about 28 units a day for 4 days, anyone would've been hung over. With or without water.
ReplyDeleteI've had some godawful hangovers in my time. They're what convinced me to slow down with the drinking.
ReplyDeletethats why I stick to smokin, bro.
ReplyDeleteperhaps you should visit the AA..
ReplyDeleteIt might be from a lack of sleep as well.
ReplyDeleteI echo KalOo.. perhaps you should visit the local AA :P