Something I've noticed, both in my real life, and browsing the internet, is that people don't know how to fix their hair. This saddens me because how you choose to wear your hair makes a huge difference. It's one of the first things you notice when you see someone. So I've decided to make a guide for all of you who want to know how to fix your hair. Cray style.
This could be you. If you eat your vegetables. |
First things first. This look will work best for guys between 15-55 with short to medium long hair. It involves a lot of hard work, sweat and tears, but it'll be worth it. Probably. Well, let's get this thing started. First thing you have to do...
This is what hobos look like. |
...holy shit! What is that thing on your face?! Kill it! KILL IT WITH FIRE!
Warning: Shaving might give you a tan. |
Ah, that's better. Like I said, first thing you'll have to do is to wash your hair. This is a very important step and can't be jumped over. Don't worry though, water is mostly harmless, and it'll be over fairly fast.
If your hair looks anything like mine, You'll look like a soaked farm boy when you get out. It's not an ideal look, even if the show Smallville tried to make it sexy for over 8 seasons, but fear not. It'll look better once it has dried.
Or maybe not. It kinda looks worse, doesn't it? Anywho, straighten that shit to submission. Easiest way to do this is to use a flat iron. It's a very inexpensive and good tool for any man to have really. I keep mine next to my fire-ax and power tools.
Make sure you've straighten everything so that it's nice and even. Next step is to apply some hair vax. I prefer one that's extremely hard but doesn't shine. I'm using something called "E+46 XTREME FIBER" but since the can also says "made in Sweden" I'm doubtful if you can find it elsewhere. So just find something that's very strong but not shiny. Shiny makes it gay.
When you apply the wax it's important that you take a click and spread it evenly over your fingertips. You should then work your fingers backwards through your hair like you're trying to look like Einstein or something. Make sure you apply the wax from the bottom and distributed evenly up so that you get a nice foundation. Also do this on the sides and back, always going the opposite way of how your hair lies normally.
If you're successful it should now look something like this. The more you look like a mad man who's just escaped from an insane asylum, the better job you did.
The last step is to just pull down your hair again, using both hands, in a forward motion, so that it lies like it normally would. And you're done!
Put on a some accessories and a nice shirt and you're done! If you got dark hair like me, and a nice tan, I'd recommend a white shirt or t-shirt to give your look some contrast. And some designer shades to hide your eyes. Makes it a bit more mysterious and/or cool. This look is perfect if you want to pick up girls, go clubbing or just want to look awesome while going shopping.
Well, that's my guide on how to look like Cray. I hope I inspired some of you to try a new hairstyle, and if not, at least I got to take a lot of pictures of myself. So either way it's a win/win.
Tune in tomorrow for another epic post my me on a subject I haven't decided on yet! Be well.