Sunday, January 24, 2016

Some Fran Bow ITHERSTA translations (Part 1)

A page out of Léons book I was able to translate some stuff from the Itherstian language

The sign outside of the castle of Ithersta says what the guard tells us basically.

    power: is undertanding o wisdom 
    truth: lays in path to...

That was all I could muster up to translate. Seems to be simplified English written there at least.

Bar sign in Ithersta:


Map says:


That one was kind of obvious.

Next is a book about rabbits eating dinner

2. Bunnies making dinner
3. Friends came for dinner
And 5 bunnies ate dinner together!
And taled abot carrts

They seem to have missed a couple of letters at the end there.

The big magic book is going to take longer to translate. Dear god. Here are some samples:

So until next time! And oh! I'll leave you with this treat: The telephone number on the exterminator's card is: 714 21728 and his name was John Plomet.
John Plomet: 714 - 21728

The card also says:
bugs around? We kill them Contact us today!


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